Alright, my hands hurt so I'm going to try to keep it short so I can be spiritual at the end.
Elder Wilson and I saw a ton of success at Edson Range this last week! It's such a blessed place! We had the chance to teach 3 investigators! Recruit Hoppman is getting baptized next week! He's doing so well! He has been praying that he could get baptized, so it's cool he wants it so bad. He told us a cool experience he had with prayer and feeling strength during a hike!
Alright, spiritual part. So I learned a whole ton about sacrifice. It's important. And the crazy thing is it's all for us! During my discussion we read the story of the rich young ruler found in Matthew 19. It's pretty obvious that this guy was pretty above average. Besides his wealth and success socially, he is able to confidently say to the Savior that he's kept all of the commandments his whole life. That's a pretty incredible accomplishment. Then he asks Christ, "What lack I yet?" It is at this point that Jesus tells him that if he wants to be perfect, he should sell all he has, give it to the poor, and come follow Him. Sadly, he is not willing to do so. I, at first, thought it was pretty harsh for Jesus to say that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
But now it makes sense. The young ruler saw greater value in his riches than in the "treasures of the gospel." How can we really become like our Savior if we aren't willing to give up our own selfish, prideful desires. We don't get to take our worldly riches with us, so if we don't let them go we really will have nothing when this life is over. Here's a bit of my discussion.
"Sacrifice is giving up temporal things for eternal possessions. It is paying the price for the greatest gifts this life can offer. It is trading in the natural man in exchange for the character of Christ."
We need to give of ourselves, especially if it's something we don't want to give. we need to give it ALL to God.
I am so grateful for that discussion. It taught me a lot about what I need to give up to God. I need to be a lot better and I'm constantly repenting and trying to be better. I do know if we give ourselves to God, we will become our true and best selves.
Elder Kapp
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District Meeting |
Elder Wilson saw this log and really wanted to take a picture with it.
Elder Wilson and I overlooking San Marcos
Service Project on Saturday |
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