Monday, October 23, 2017

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Hey everyone! This week has been so great. It was so hard, but absolutely packed with blessings! All I can say is I love being a missionary! We were able to get a lot done with our investigators. We had a guy named Elroy show up to church. We were able to teach him and set up a return appointment. It was awesome!

This last week my back was killing me! HOLY CHICKEN! It was so sore! On Saturday we contacted a recent convert from another ward who is a chiropractor. He readjusted me and said I had a rib out of place just inside my shoulder. Sunday it was hurting so bad. All the muscles in my shoulder, back, and neck hurt. I had a terrible migraine and I thought I would have to stay in. We got done with church and were planning for our lesson with Dylan. I decided to go to our bedroom closet and just pray it out with God. I just begged for help and I might have gotten a bit emotional (no witnesses have firm confirmation, but it's a strong possibility) but I just felt a strong peace. We left to dinner and then the lesson. After the lesson I realized I couldn't feel my shoulder hurting. I didn't even think about it in the lesson. 

It was an incredible lesson. We focused on the Book of Mormon. We gave him a hard cover copy and highlighted our favorite scriptures, his girlfriend's favorite scripture, and a few that would help him. We asked him if he would get baptized when he comes to know it's true and he agreed! What a blessing! 

I love this work. I love this gospel. I love my Savior! 

Elder Kapp


Went Caving this morning

Zone training meeting

Went to a pumpkin patch too!

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